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Limit off-target editing with CRISPR GUARD

CRISPR Guard Webinar

Precise genome editing using CRISPR-Cas9 is a promising avenue for genetic disease research. However, off-target editing effects can complicate and slow research.

In this webinar, Dr. Matthew Coelho discusses findings recently published in Nature Communications, “CRISPR GUARD protects off-target sites from Cas9 nuclease activity using short guide RNAs.”

In this webinar, he will:

  • Discuss the utility of CRISPR Guide RNA Assisted Reduction of Damage (CRISPR GUARD) as a method for protecting off-target sites by co-delivery of short guide RNAs (sgRNAs) directed against off-target loci by competition with the on-target guide RNA.
  • Explore design rules and the universality of this CRISPR GUARD method through in vitro studies and high-throughput screening
  • Short benefit statement for why one would want to attend the event; <50 words; include as many SEO keywords as possible, without stuffing

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Event information


May 19, 2022


Central Standard Time

