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Our Collab Network members are not only experts within their own domain but educators with the research community. Learn more about the discoveries and findings our collaborators are achieving with IDT.

Member spotlight:

The Element AVITI System

Revolutionizing how DNA sequencing impacts the world

Element Biosciences is a multi-disciplinary startup company focused on innovating genetic analysis tools. The AVITI™ System is Element’s first product, a revolutionary DNA sequencing platform that performs at the highest industry standards in both data quality and cost savings in a benchtop system. Element’s proprietary approach to improving signal-to-noise ratio through groundbreaking innovations in surface chemistry, instrumentation, and biochemistry have drastically decreased the run cost and capital cost for DNA sequencing while simultaneously delivering state-of-the-art sequencing data quality.

IDT has partnered with Element Biosciences to provide NGS reagents that have been validated to work on their versatile platform. Featured below are some of the key assets we have developed to help get you started!

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